Painting Classes
Learn to paint from the comfort of your home!
Painting is a wonderful way to express yourself, especially in challenging times. It can help you to bring balance in your life, overcome issues, get out of your head and mind and meet some new or tucked away parts of your soul.
Oh, and did I say that painting is big fun?
Painting & Mixed Media Classes
Paint Landscapes
with the Palette Knife
Have you always dreamed to create a painting with thick layers, a lot of texture and beautiful colour transitions? This class is made for you!
Price:Â USD 95Â USD 76
After the great success of this course in my studio, it’s now also available online! In this class, the palette knife is in the spotlight. We’ll be painting an abstract landscape with acrylics.
Click <= for more information and watch the promo video!
Je leert in deze cursus hoe je laag voor laag een abstract landschap schildert met acrylverf en het paletmes in de hoofdrol. Ga met me mee op ontdekkingstocht en leef je uit met nieuwe technieken! Â
Klik => voor meer informatie en bekijk de promo video!
Flowers & Patterns
Paint your favourite flower in a playful way and integrate
nature-inspired patterns into your work!
Price:Â USD 95Â USD 66.50
Bloemen & Patronen
 Schilder op een speelse manier je lievelingsbloem en integreer op de natuur geïnspireerde patronen in je werk!
Prijs: € 95 € 66,50
Pattern Playing
In the mixed-media painting class ‘Pattern Playing’ you will work with acrylic paint and mixed media materials. Design patterns on paper and incorporate them into an abstract painting!
Price:Â USD 95Â USD 66.50
In de mixed-media schildercursus ‘Patronenparadijs’ werk je met acrylverf en mixed media materialen. Ontwerp patronen op papier en verwerk ze in een prachtig abstract schilderij!
Prijs: € 95 € 66,50
Fantasy Flowers
In the mixed-media painting class ‘Fantasy Flowers’ you will learn tips & tricks to make a flower painting with acrylic paint and mixed media techniques!
Price:Â USD 95Â USD 66.50
In de mixed-media schildercursus ‘Fantasiebloemen’ leer je tips & trucs om een bloemenschilderij te maken met acrylverf en gemengde technieken!
Prijs: € 95 € 66,50
Mixed Media Angels
In the mixed-media painting class ‘Angels’ you’ll bring your magical angel to life in a gorgeous mixed-media painting!
Price:Â USD 95Â USD 66.50
Mixed Media Engelen
In de mixed-media schildercursus ‘Engelen’ breng je jouw magische engel tot leven in een schitterend mixed-media schilderij!
Prijs: € 95 € 66,50
The Joy of Drawing Patterns
In this class you will get to know the meditative and very addictive process of drawing gorgeous patterns!Â
Limited Time Offer: 20% OFF
Price: USD 35 USD 28
Plezier met Patronen Tekenen
In deze cursus maak je uitgebreid kennis met het meditatieve en verslavende proces van patronen tekenen!
Tijdelijk 20% KORTING
Prijs: € 35 € 28
Art Journaling Classes
An Introduction to
Art Journaling
In this course you will be introduced to art journaling, a personal way to record your creative journey!
Limited Time Offer: 20% OFF
Price: USD 35 USD 28
🇬🇧 This is the first part of a series of classes about art journaling. We are going on a journey again with our beautiful vintage Hymer motorhome; this time to Scandinavia. Along the way we will shoot beautiful videos and images and release a new art journaling course regularly, in which I’ll be taking you with me on my creative journey.
🇳🇱 Dit is het eerste deel van een serie cursussen over art journaling. Wij gaan dit jaar weer op reis met onze vintage Hymer camper; dit keer naar Scandinavië. Onderweg zullen we mooie beelden schieten en regelmatig een nieuwe cursus uitbrengen, waarin ik je meeneem tijdens mijn creatieve proces.
Art Journaling:
Fairy Tales
Sketch, illustrate and paint your favorite fairy tale from your imagination!
Price: USD 59Â USD 49
🇬🇧 In the second part of a series of classes about art journaling, I’ll take you with me in the enchanting world of fairy tales. The course was recorded in an idyllic location, near a lake in Sweden.
Click <= for more information and watch the promo video!
🇳🇱 In het tweede deel van de serie lessen over art journaling neem ik je mee in de wondere wereld van sprookjes. De cursus is op een sprookjesachtige locatie opgenomen, aan een meer in Zweden.
Klik => voor meer informatie en bekijk de promo video!
Art Journaling:
Walk, collect, draw and marvel!
In the third part of the series of lessons on art journaling, you will explore a location of your choice. You will look for interesting objects to draw and collect in your art journal.
Price: USD 59Â USD 49
The third part of the series of courses on art journaling was recorded in a romantic location, on an estate in Correze, France.
Click <= for more information and watch the promo video!
Het derde deel van de serie cursussen over art journaling is op een romantische locatie opgenomen, op een landgoed in de Correze, Frankrijk.
Klik => voor meer informatie en bekijk de promo video!
Art Journaling:
Weave & Unravel
In the fourth part of the series of courses on art journaling you will work with scraps of fabric, wool, threads, ribbons and much more!
Price: USD 59Â USD 49
The fourth part in the series of courses on art journaling is recorded in my studio. I show you all kinds of ways to brighten up your art journal.
Click <= for more information and watch the promo video!
Het vierde deel van de serie cursussen over art journaling is opgenomen in mijn atelier. Ik laat je allerlei manieren zien hoe je jouw art journal op kunt fleuren!
Klik => voor meer informatie en bekijk de promo video!
Are you ready to unravel your artistic secrets? Then join one of my classes!
Sometimes it is time to turn inside and see what’s there for you. For me, it’s a surprise every time!
Frequently Asked Questions
Online painting classes, how does it work?
Online painting classes, how does it work?
Most classes contain around 3 hours of HD video content, in which I’ll show you my process step by step, from start to finish. The video lessons are easily accessible on our school’s website with a friendly interface. You have unlimited acces to the class and the ability to watch the course at your own pace, when and where you want, as often as you wish!
What device or operating system do I need to follow your painting classes?
My courses can be followed with any internet browser on your computer (Mac and PC) and portable devices, like your smartphone or tablet (iOS and Android). You should have a good internet connection. If you can watch video’s on YouTube, Vimeo or other social media then you’re good to go!Â
Which art supplies do I need?
On each course page you’ll find a tab with ‘Materials’. If you open this tab, you’ll find both the required and optional materials you need for this particular class.Â
in which language can I follow your classes?
All my classes are available in English. Some classes are also available in Dutch.Â
Does the painting class come with a workbook?
Yes! Each class comes with a PDF-workbook including inspiring exercises, inspiring images and background information.
Do I need to have experience with painting or mixed-media?
Most of my classes are suitable for all art levels, whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist. Everything will be explained step by step. Being open and eager to learn are more important than the level you’re at!
Are children able to follow these classes?
Although the classes are not especially created for kids, they will definitely be able to follow the lessons with the help of a (grand)parent.Â
When I’m a student in your painting class, will I get personal attention from you?
Absolutely! You can ask me questions and will receive feedback from me and other students. How? When you enroll in a class, you’ll automatically enter a designated private Classroom, where you can post your results, get feedback and tips from other students and of course myself. In absolute privacy of course, because we don’t share your data.